As my erotic blog kept filling up with my soul business, I decided I might as well make an honest woman of myself and start up this sister blog. You may justifiably ask why it is that I choose to have my soul's business out on the internet. Well, I'm a a ponderer, a thinker, I seek to understand, often too hard. Focusing my mind to wrap this swirl of thoughts into words that might be comprehensible to another human being is incredibly helpful to me. Yes, of course, I could just write a private journal, but actually it's not the same. Knowing that another person, a person I don't even know, may read my words gives it a whole different impetus. I also believe that as human beings we have a deep need to be seen, witnessed, seen for all of who we are. Just the one girl, just the one person. What is more, I love words, I love language, I love taking complex thoughts and feelings and searching for just the right words until I know you can feel what I'm feeling - you can be right there with me and I no longer alone.

Sunday 18 April 2010


After 22 hours of near continuous train travel we have traversed the entire length of Sweden and made it to Copenhagen! Signal failure shortly before Malmo temporarily threatened all our carefully coordinated plans, but in the end we even managed to squeeze onto the competely oversubscribed onward train to Hamburg.

Around us is a babble of different European languages. Across from us an Italian gentleman and a French couple, a Dutch guy further down, snippets of Liverpudlian drifting down the aisle. Before you ask: no, I don't think that's a recognised European language. Plenty of Danish people of course and, needless to say, the omnipresent German pensioner, never far from any tourist destination and instantly recognisable from their own brand of frumpy waterproof, known in my and other German families fittingly as the "anorak". And then there's us of course, thinking of ourselves as arrogantly unclassifiable and having descended into our private brand of Deutschlish, as we sometimes do.

I'm uncertain whether this melange played out on trains all over Europe will aid intra-European relations, as everyone exchanges their heroic travel stories in accented English or stir old prejudices as they fight over the remaining seats. Fact is, we've got a seat. But then, being German, apparently I've got a reputation to lose.

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