As my erotic blog kept filling up with my soul business, I decided I might as well make an honest woman of myself and start up this sister blog. You may justifiably ask why it is that I choose to have my soul's business out on the internet. Well, I'm a a ponderer, a thinker, I seek to understand, often too hard. Focusing my mind to wrap this swirl of thoughts into words that might be comprehensible to another human being is incredibly helpful to me. Yes, of course, I could just write a private journal, but actually it's not the same. Knowing that another person, a person I don't even know, may read my words gives it a whole different impetus. I also believe that as human beings we have a deep need to be seen, witnessed, seen for all of who we are. Just the one girl, just the one person. What is more, I love words, I love language, I love taking complex thoughts and feelings and searching for just the right words until I know you can feel what I'm feeling - you can be right there with me and I no longer alone.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Artwork – Preliminary inspirations for paintings Lovers I, II and III

I’ve recently made a scrapbook for a new tattoo – a collection of photos of tattoos I liked and some text about the specific features of each one that I find particularly appealing. I left my pages with the tattoo artist to design something unique for me to curve around my hip. Hopefully all will be well, she’s got it and it’ll be gorgeous (after the pain). So it seemed both fun and more than appropriate to do something not dissimilar for the paintings I’m planning for this painting holiday I’m about to embark on. These aren’t of course simple paintings, they are about real people and real meetings, so even making a collection of key words for each painting felt rather insightful. I think little explanation is needed, so here they are:
Lovers I
  • Holding, carrying, embracing, supporting, caring
  • Stability, warmth, the base, the home, open-heartedness, generosity, gentleness, honesty, tolerance, compersion, equality
  • The wife, the carer, the kindred spirit
  • The husband, the rock, the shelter, the son, the haven
  • Colours lying alongside each other, as if spooning, holding each other respectfully. Pale pink and sea green
Lovers II
  • Swirling, tempestuous, sensuous, fierce, unpredictable, confusing, enmeshed, compelling different, harsh, edgy
  • Danger, adventure, exploration, passion, fear, anger, hunger, desire, addiction, dark/light, power, imbalance, force of nature
  • The lover, the whore, the slut, the slave girl, the demon angel, the object
  • The lover, the master, the seducer, inflictor of pain, the gambler, the adventurer, the other, the subject
  • White background, fuchsia red/pink and black, balls of colour that swirl into each other and spiral into the sky
Lovers III
  • Independent, mysterious, partly unformed, wispy, random, tentative, intrigued, circling each other, some swirling, some holding
  • Warmth, care, force of nature, claws and carresses, stillness and chaos, both separate and entwined
  • Two sprites, two sisters, two lovers, two prowling cats, may curl up together or growl, power switching from one to the other
  • Less familiar and compelling than the other two, attraction strong but still circling each other tentatively, potential for either of the other two forms
  • Colours and shapes not quite clear, ma not even be able to paint this yet. Thinking of spectrum of colours pink, fuchsia, blood red and black for me, same for her but with different emphasis. I start pink, she starts red, two globes of colour more separate but with swirly as well as holding connections, vague yin yang or cancerian shape, together forming circle

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